Japan Speed Dating
Speed dating is a relatively new phenomenon in Japan, although it has grown in popularity recently. The first-speed dating event in Japan was hosted in Tokyo in 2002, and since then, speed dating events have been organized in cities around the country.
Speed dating is a singles event in which participants go on brief, timed dates with other people. The usual approach is for each participant to sit at a separate table with a different individual for five minutes. The bell rings after five minutes, and the participants return to their next date. This practice is repeated until everyone has had the opportunity to meet everyone else.
In Japan, speed dating is usually arranged by dating agencies or event businesses. The events are often hosted at pubs or restaurants, and the prices vary according to the event. Yes, parents do speed dating in Japan on occasion. This is known as “omiai” in Japanese. Omiai is a Japanese matchmaking technique in which parents or other relatives introduce their children to suitable spouses.
Matchmaking services or event businesses generally host Omiai speed dating events. The events are often hosted in hotels or conference rooms, and the costs vary according to the event.
Omaii speed dating follows a similar concept to regular speed dating. Participants sit at tables and have a series of brief, timed dates with various individuals. However, with omiai speed dating, the participants’ parents or relatives are also present and monitoring the dates.
After the event, the participants and their parents or relatives analyze the dates and decide whether or not to pursue a relationship. In Japan, omaiai fast dating is a contentious practice. Some consider it an outdated tradition, while others feel it might help parents locate acceptable marriages for their children.
If you plan on attending an Omiai speed dating event, you should know the cultural norms and expectations. Respect must also be shown to the parents and relatives participating in the process.